Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength

Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength
From the heartflow the springs of life” (Proverbs 4:23), "...and without one’s will, desires, passions, affections, perceptions, and thoughts rightly aligned, the life of love is impossible." John Piper
  • We must re-orient our desires, passions, affections, perceptions and thoughts. This will take asking God do to this through renewal but it also means taking action, taking actual steps to do so in faith
  • Faith without works is Dead - What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? James 2:14. You have to do the work. You can't sit back and let life just happen.

Having a soul in the bible (nephesh) refers to a living, breathing conscious body. One’s whole body, their whole person. In Genesis God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living soul creature. But we are also to love him with how we talk, and what we do with our hands, and how we utilize our talents, and how we react to challenges, struggles and obstacles –– our entire being is to display that we love God.
  • Get to work
  • Shake off complacency
  • Get moving, add value
  • Get involved
  • Stop complaining and do something

Strength (Might)

The Greek translation of the word “Might” is “power.” The Aramaic translation is “wealth.” Both of these may actually be pointing in the same direction, for the strength of a person is not simply who he is but what he has at his disposal. Not just strength but all that he has.
  • This could include spouse, our children, our house or dorm room, apartment, our pets and wardrobe and tools and cell phones and movies and music and computers and time.
  • Get strong: Literally get in shape, take care of yourself so that you can physically live your life. Don't you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? 1st Corinthians 6:19
Mind – You love when your thoughts are embraced and taken in by your emotions. You are not truly loving till that transition or hand off happens. To love God with all of your Mind means that you are moving from intellectual to emotion or action. 

  • The question becomes what are you giving your mind to?
  • Are you learning new things allowing your mind to grow and do what it was created and intended to do?
  • Are you giving your mind to things that increase the knowledge of God.

SO, Deuteronomy, Mark and Luke tell us that treasuring GOD is to be applied to the entirety of our lives. The result is an impact in relationships, and what goes on at home, the work place, your community and maybe the world.
This relationship that we have been called to must be wholehearted, life-encompassing, community impacting and exclusive to our God.

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