Friday, July 8, 2016


Baton Rouge, Minneapolis and now Dallas. There is brokenness, there is fear, there is chaos, there is death, there is sadness, there is emptiness, there is depression, anxiety, hate, fear mongering, manipulation of the truth for personal gain and power. There is a son who lost a father, a daughter that lost a father or mother, there is a wife or husband that just lost their only love. There are fathers who just lost their son or daughter, there is a mother that just lost their daughter or son.
Somewhere there is a man or woman lying on their death bed. Someone is suffering. There is a child starving, a young woman imprisoned, forced into a life of sexual captivity and slavery. Somewhere there is a neighbor that hates their neighbor because they are not like him; Hispanic, immigrant, black or something else. In your neighborhood there is a husband depressed and ready to kill himself because he hasn’t been able to find work since 2008 and now he feels like he can’t provide. There is a new mother that is ready to pull the trigger because her baby just will not sleep long enough during the night. Her husband doesn’t care. There is a veteran with PTSD and missing limbs and so much more. There is violence and injustice in the world and divisions between people.
This is a fallen and broken world we live in. The reality is that it will probably just get worse. We are broken individuals as well. Fallen human beings. Meant for so much more, created for a life that we do not inhabit. Created for God but separated from him. How do we face this kind of evil and brokenness? How do you get up and go to work knowing that there is so, so much suffering and pain in the world.
I suggest the following:
1.       See the world for it is. Broken and fallen. “All” have fallen short of the glory of God. Understand that at any point in your life anything could happen but do not live your life in fear.
2.      Get up, move, go to work or go do whatever it is that you do every day and be a warrior in those moments.
3.      Be angry, you should be angry. Have your moment but don’t let the anger master your heart and direct your behavior. Be self-controlled.
4.       Pray. Pray for the fallen, pray for grace, mercy and peace.
5.     Post your FB posts, pics, memes but then do something. Don’t just talk about how terrible it all is.
6.     Move out in faith. Trust Jesus. The world needs you to trust Jesus. The world needs Jesus. They need to see the light from the lighthouse shinning in the distance.
7.       Lead yourself and then lead others
8.       Motivate and the motivate others
9.       Inspire others
10.   Love yourself and love others because God, Jesus is a God of Love and Hope.
11.   Lead with your heart
12.   Bring Value not fear or continued shock of this event.
13.   Hold the door for someone today
14.   Be nice
15.   Offer hope when there seems to only be a lack of it.
16.   Endure the pain 1 Cor. 13:7 and Mark 13:13
17.   Give Thanks. This hardship, pain or suffering can be used for refinement. It’s a tough pill to swallow but you can give thanks for it. Perhaps not in the moment but once you’ve passed through. Strive though to see it. Ephesians 5:20, Romans 5:3-5
18.   HATE EVIL Romans 12:9
19.   Expose Evil - “Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them” (Eph. 5:11).
20.   Overcome evil with good. “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Rom. 12:21).
21.   Resist evil. “Resist the devil and he will flee from you” (James 4:7).
Finally, look at yourself in the mirror. Understand your own heart, your own brokenness. Ask yourself how is your heart? How is your soul? What steps can you take right now to pursue a life of love, hope, faith and discipleship? As a result of your faith in Christ how can you add value, impact and love to those around you today?
Have Faith, Live Free and Live Fearlessly

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